Reference:Printing Best Practices

Revision as of 16:55, 10 November 2021 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Printing Best Practices Overview)
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Printing Best Practices Overview

A brilliant InkJet print is dependant on a handful of variables
  1. A printer you can trust. This will most likely be an Epson or HP professional/photo level inkjet printer.
  2. A color-calibrated monitor or screen to create or proof your artwork. This will give you the confidence to know that you are sending the proper color information to the printer.
  3. A trusted full-color evaluation image that you can use to test and compare the accuracy and consistency of your printing setup over time.
    • I like the resources at Onsight and have a high res version here.
  4. Quality InkJet paper that is treated/designed to work with the brand of inks in your printer.
  5. The correct installed ICC (International Color Consortium) profiles for your printer and paper. This is a key ingredient.
  6. The fortitude to make test prints of your illustrations that include color bars and registration marks.
    • I have shared the process for this here (video upload pending) and have shared example pdf/psd here.
  7. Be patient, try all the options, think like a sicentist.

Options for InkJet Printer Papers + ICC Profiles