Class:MFA Illustration 2021/Week 13
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Last Week
- Augmented Reality Illustration Project Review
- Production tips:
- Blend shapes in Illustrator
- Generator for production in Photoshop
- Quick introduction into 3D with Dimension
This Week
- Quick chat about augmented reality interest
- Review "it's a secret" projects
- Image-based anchors in Adobe Dimension, new assignment
Open Questions
Image anchor augmented reality examples
- Prosthetic Reality Trailer
- The actual book by Eyejack Prosthetic Reality V.1
Image anchor for Aero refrence
Video Notes
- It's a secret augmented reality project review
- Augmenter reality image anchor demo tips & assignment
Your assignment this week is to create a new augmented reality illustration that leverages an image anchor on top of an illustration. Building on what you made last week, draw and construct a new illustration and augmented reality component.
The subject matter is up to you. It should be amazing! Leverage your drawing skills, digital or analog, and Adobe Aero to create one new project.
- One standard/working resolution Photoshop file containing your flat composition, sketches, or production parts.
- One flat version of your file that is the image anchor for your Aero Project
- One Adobe Aero project version of the same illustration where you have turned it into an augmented reality experience and or installation.
- You MUST use an image anchor and upload/send the digital anchor file to me.
- You are free to Adobe Dimension and 3d objects from Dimension if you wish. It's not required.
- Look over the augmented reality inspiration from last week. Study the tutorial or video on creating image anchors.
- Use Adobe Illustrator, Procreate and/or Photoshop as layers or Smart Objects.
- Use Adobe Aero on your iPhone/iPad or desktop to create a multi-part 3d version of your Illustration in augmented reality.
- In class I showed you how to export your PSD for Aero. You might want to export all the parts separately and composite them in Aero by hand this week.
- You might want to export your whole PSD as layers or you might want to export each layer separately (move them into independent files) and recompose in Aero.
- Adding animation is optional, if you are interested you can add animated assets in Adobe Aero.
- Once your Aero project is complete you can share it with the class as a link or QR code.
- You can also record a movie of your AR file from within Aero mobile if you want to share that.
Project Delivery
- One LAYERED photoshop file of your working resolution illustration or sketches if you have them.
- One exported Adobe Aero file of your AR masterpiece. See Share Adobe Aero project
- Image anchor in digital form.
- QR code, recorded video and/or link to your AR project.
- Google drive folder: svaMFAI_20211220-image-anchor-augmented-reality-drawings