Class:MFA Illustration 2021/Week 3
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Last Week
- Intro to Gear
- Intro to healthy computer habits
- First Assignment
This Week
- Medium is the Massage project review
- Introduction to scanning & tips for using your phones.
- Introduction to proper scan preparation for Photoshop illustration work.
Open Questions
Photoshop Stuff
Photoshop Key Commands
Adobe Global Key Commands
- Spacebar = pan
- Spacebar - Command = Zoom In
- Spacebar - Command - Option = Zoom Out
- F = toggles through view modes
- Command + ; = hide guides
- Bigger Brush - ]
- Smaller Brush - ]
Video Notes
- Virtual organization tools like Bridge, Eagle, and Dropmark
- Scan assignment review & best practices
- Quick tips for scanning with your smartphone
- Photoshop basics: Interface, performance, and workspaces
- Scanning and coloring with photoshop overview + assignment
- Review the techniques and videos from class this week.
- Re-scan your analog illustrations from last week OR you can create TWO new drawings that are the same as the assignment from last week: On paper, create two new 5" by 5" drawings.
- Draw your linework (a composition or parts) on paper.
- Scan your linework using the processes discussed in class. Use a flatbed scanner, if you don't have access to one you can use your phone. The results will not be as good.
- Using the techniques discussed in class (or your preferred process) digitally color both drawings using Photoshop.
- Upload your original scans AND your layered Photoshop source file to the Google Drive folder: svaMFAI_20211004-homework-medium-is-the-message-scan-color