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== Assignment ==
== Assignment ==
* [[Media:SVA-MFAI_Digital-Portfolio-CO-2022_A01.pdf|SVA MFAI Digital Portfolio Syllabus class of 2022]]

Revision as of 21:06, 30 September 2020

Last Week

  • Introductions and backgrounds
  • Digital Portfolio during a global pandemic
  • Open questions and discussion

This Week

  • Intro to Gear
  • Intro to healthy computer habits
  • First Assignment

Open Questions


Basic Hardware

  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Unix/Linux

Memory (RAM)

Storage (Hard Drive)

Hard Drive Basics

Traditional Spinning Platters
7200rpm, 5200rpm, 4500rpm
Faster is always better!
Solid State Drives (SSD)
Standard internal drives in modern hardware.
Fast, expensive...
Flash Drives
Meh. Handy in a pinch, don't depend on them!
External Drives
Big 3.5" drives that have a plug.
Great for Archiving
Not portable, need power
Stay away from multi-drive boxes!
Portable 2.5" drives
Great for transporting files around, kinda backup.
Bus powered, many types.
Faster is STILL always better!
Internal Drives
What do we mean by internal drive? [these!]
Cheapest storage option, great investment tho.
Need a [hard drive dock tho]
Drive Arrays
One enclosure for multiple internal drives.
http://drobo.com/ (Recommended)

Hard Drive Recommendations

Desktop Drives
Gdrives are good: http://www.g-technology.com/
A hard drive "Dock" and internal hard drives is a great low cost solution for at home backup.
A Newer Tech Voyager Q HDD Dock - http://amzn.to/2dfBQxy
Internal 2tb or 3tb SATA drives (7200rpm or faster) - http://amzn.to/2cPaJLW
Portable Drives
If you want a great fast (thunderbolt & USB 3) - http://amzn.to/2cQfrHD
Just USB 3 but still kinda speedy - http://amzn.to/2cPassl
Wirecutter reviews are good, not designer/illustrator specific - https://thewirecutter.com/reviews/best-portable-hard-drive/
  1. Seagate Backup Plus Slim 2TB - http://amzn.to/2dfBjvE
  2. Lacie 2tb usb-c (fast) - https://amzn.to/2NCuSIo
  3. SanDisk 2TB Extreme Portable SSD (wicked fast) - https://amzn.to/2zqDadM

Cloud Storage

Dropbox is a force for good, my referral code to sign up is:

Flatbed Scanners

Added a full guide on Scanners for artists (Mostly flatbed) to the front page.


Shops in NYC
CAVA http://www.sva.edu/student-life/cava
5 Apple Stores
B&H photo http://www.bhphotovideo.com/

Related Reading

Video Notes
