Class:MFA Illustration 2022/Week 23

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Last Week

  • Final personal branding review & hand off
  • Introduction to website project

This Week

  • Review Illustration website submissions
  • Discuss the process and primary objective of the website project


The Illustration web links you brought in & we reviewed

Critical reference pages for you

Video Notes


It is now time to begin fearlessly exploring a handful of website options and variations!

  • If you have a website already, go look at it! What do you want to change? Does it look like the rest of your self-promotion work? Do you need to change the way you are curating or organizing your work?
  • Gather up a fresh set of images that loosely represent the type of work you will have on your website.
  • Study up on Cargo Collective, Adobe Portfolio, Squarespace, Weebly, Wix, and Format. You can trial all of these for free before you make them actual live websites with real domains.
  • Explore the themes available to you on all these services and try TWO different explorations.

Clarification: You can try two or three different themes on SquareSpace, you can try one theme on Cargo Collective and one theme on Wix (for example).

I expect that you will lean into different systems/themes and see if they work for you. I expect you to gather up the info and descriptions for the project on your website. I expect you to make wonderful about/contact pages.


  1. Gather up TWO demo links and passwords or present in class.
  2. Use this link to submit your work
  3. Be prepared to show your two explorations in class next week.